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The 3P Learning Model

Updated: Sep 5, 2020

Curious about when learning takes place at its best, I stumbled in Chatti, M. A., Jarke, M, & Specht’s article, ‘The 3P Learning Model,’ published in Educational Technology & Society in 2010. I found their conclusions enlightening and liberating since my teaching/ learning is organized around their principles.

The 3P Learning Model is based on 3 P:

Personalization, Participation, and Knowledge- Pull

Principle I: Learning is personal and self-directed “The learner may not have control over what is taught, but the learner always has control over what is learned.” Tobin (2000)

Principle II: Learning is social Knowledge and learning are social in nature. All teaching/learning models should embrace the social aspect of learning.

Principle III: Learning is driven by knowledge-pull

In a learning model based on knowledge-push, the information flow is directed by the institution/teacher. In a learning model driven by knowledge-pull, the learner navigates toward knowledge.A move away from one-size-fits-all, centralized, top-down and knowledge-push model and toward a more personalized, social, and knowledge-pull model provides unprecedented success for learners.In conclusion, effective and efficient learning needs to be individualized and learner- controlled. It embraces the principles of constructivism and connectivism. It moves away from command, control, and passivity and reaches a plateau of openness, flexibility, and participation.

For Further 3P Reading:

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Lacey Fournier
Lacey Fournier
19. Aug. 2020

a. To what extent can the 3P Model be implemented in a science class/science lab setting? Expound on the pros and cons

I think that the 3P model can be implemented in a science class and/or science lab because it focuses on personal experiences, self-direction, the socializing between students in working together or through discussion of learning experiences and because while the teacher facilitates the experience, the student is the one taking charge of what happens and are responsible for their own learning.

b. To what extent is the 3P Model similar/dissimilar with the CRAP paradigm presented in the 6128 course?

I think the 3P model is similar to the CRAP paradigm and that they work hand in hand. The…

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1) To what extent can the 3P Model be implemented in a science class/science lab setting? Expand on the pros and cons.

I think that the 3P Model can be implemented in a science class lab because it the perfect environment because it allows students to be hands-on. A science lab will have many of the materials, tools, and resources needed for students to create and experiment. During a science experiment in a science lab, students will personalize their experience by using their skills. For example, when my group was doing the boat project, we each made a different boat. Participation in a science classroom is giving. Students will be engaged in the project and provide their own opinion of…

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Jesseca Young
09. Aug. 2020

a. To what extent can the 3P Model be implemented in a science class/science lab setting? Expound on the pros and cons.

The 3P Model can be implemented in a science class/ lab because it allows for the opportunity for learning to be personal. For example, like we had discussed in our zoom meeting about students from New Bedford talking about different ships they have seen there. This applies to the first principle. Principle II can be implemented by allowing students to work together in groups and socialize and working together to come to a conclusion. Finally, Principle III can be implemented by allowing students to work on something and learn from the challenges they face in order to create…

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09. Aug. 2020

Madison Pelland

a. To what extent can the 3P Model be implemented in a science class/science lab setting? Expound on the pros and cons.

The first principle is that learning is personal and self-directed. Of course, the teacher is going to be in control over what the students are going to be taught; however, allowing students to work in groups during a science experiment allows them to bounce ideas off each other and learn at their own pace. One group or student's discoveries may be different than others. The second principle is that knowledge and learning are social in nature. Once again, group work could be implemented to embrace this social aspect of the 3P model. After working collaboratively on…

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Julie Bernadeau
Julie Bernadeau
09. Aug. 2020

ESPED 6128 Lesley University a. To what extent can the 3P Model be implemented in a science class/science lab setting? Expound on the pros and cons Science class or science lab is a perfect setting to implement the 3P Model because there is a lot of room for experimenting in groups and individually. I feel that all there principles can be incorporated in a science lab setting. For the learner, they are in charge of what it is they are going to learn and take in this refers to both principles 1 and 3. The learner is in charge of how successful they are going to make this learning experience and must use their knowledge to navigate through the science experiments being conduct…

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